Looking for Cosmic Dash?

This website is merely a stop on your way to the hit webcomic, Cosmic Dash. Click the image below to be taken to the website of the webcomic.

Cosmic Dash Logo

Want to know more about Cosmic Dash?

Cosmic Dash is a science fiction adventure series that follows a crew of aliens in a research ship across a galaxy engaged in a cold war. This richly detailed setting presents all sorts of fun science fiction ideas and adventures. The comic is written for a general audience but is recommended for readers age 12 and up due to some themes and elements.

The comic is 100% free to read and updates several times a month. You can also experience other stories in the setting as well. For example, SERREVEN.COM features an always-expanding anthology of original stories set in the universe of Cosmic Dash. You can also find out more about the series on Twitter by following the official Twitter account.